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The author is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages. |
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The author of this private homepage reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information and software provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any content provided will be rejected. |
Privacy Policy: |
This is only a translation from the legal German privacy policy (see here).
This website didn't use cookies (local saved files for tracking the user) or external tracking- or analysis-tools.
IP addresses are only stored a short time to prevent mass requests to the provided data base.
To optimize this homepage some data about your used browser without reference to your IP address will be stored.
To use this homepage no personal specific data is necessary. Entries into the guestbook are welcome.
Not appropriate guestbook entires (like advertisings) will be deleted.
Data about your e-mail or homepage URL are optional.
The input in this guestbook will be visible world wide for everyone and also for search engines.
It is advisable to check your input before the publication.
After 5 years the guestbook entries will be deleted automatically.
You could contact me anytime (e-mail address see above) to delete your guestbook entry earlier.
The used hosting services of the company Host Europe (https://www.hosteurope.de) are calculating capacity, store space and data base services.
The hosting provider stores data about every access to the server where this website is stored (server log files).
This data includes name of the web page, filename, date and time of the request, amount of data transfered, note of successful demand,
browser type and version, user operation system, referrer URL, IP address and requested provider.
This log files are stored for security reasons (like misusage or deception) and will be deleted from the hosting provider after maximum 16 days.